Saturday, September 24, 9707

Sunday, August 8, 8888

Read on for the main learnings and anything else interesting that arose during the project.

Click here if you wish to read about the planning process and the final plan

Friday, September 12, 2008

I need to take care of myself to 'dwell in spirit'

If you interact with others to get something from them....

I don't think that you can 'dwell in spirit'

Its the 'how' not the 'what' - isn't it?

I find it hard to dwell in spirit when I'm knackered

Life is an adventure not a package tour

Eckhart Tolle again
If you can't deal with uncertainty you will find it hard to 'dwell in spirit'

Thought Patterns that keep me in ego and away from spirit

This is about me!

What will happen in the future?

What happened in the past?

Is my behaviour acceptable?

Spirit dwells in some places and people

I believe I have experienced 'spirit' in at least one person's house
I don't believe this is possible unless I am 'dwelling in spirit'

If your thoughts are not where you are then you are probably not dwelling in spirit

What is the relationship between the ego and spirit

This is what I think

They co-exist, one is the shadow of the other.

One cannot exist without at least the knowledge of the other.

This diagram helps I think although I don't believe that its a 50:50 split between ego and spirit

Non reaction is the key to the greatest power in the universe

That's from Eckhart Tolle and I think its right

The universe appears to help - doesn't it?

Go with the flow or paddle upstream?

I left a spiritual event early along with someone else I didn't know
Both our cars were stuck in the mud.
I took this as a sign from the universe that I needed to return to the event - 'om'
However, the other person decided it meant nothing and she was getting out of there.
I helped her to get out and then she offered to help me and I accepted.

Therapy has helped

Therapy basically means to me a loving and unconditional support person. In that environment 'dwelling in spirit' becomes more possible.

I like certain things that are said

A woman said this to me the other day when I asked her something (I can't remember what)

'If you know yourself enough you won't let that thought have dominion'

The necklaces - they help

I wear them under my clothes and when they clink together they remind me that my purpose is 'to awaken' - or 'dwell in spirit if you like'.
I bought a 4th (a cross) but I lost it within 2 days......
The 3 I still have were all given to me

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday, September 26, 2001

Watch out for the ego

Watch out for the ego - its always about - unless you are the Buddha or Jesus :-)

I believe that the planning process was hijacked by my ego. That is, draft 1 of the project was 'good', but then draft 2 was some wild exploration into how i? could contact God and be sure that I was doing so.

Tuesday, September 12, 2000

As shaggy said to scooby

'Just because its a toilet brush it doesn't make it a clue, it just makes it awesome!'
Thanks and goodnight